Friday, March 23, 2007

San Francisco Celebrates Diversity Again

First it was tax-funded sex changes. Then it was illegal same-sex marriage licenses. Today, San Francisco has adopted the way of the future - the honeymoons of homosexuality being celebrated in your very living room. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has endorsed an effort towards Colt Studio Day, in honor of the industry of sodomist pornography's contributions to economic development. In other words, a "Gay Porn Day" has been declared for February 23 throughout San Francisco.

The proclamation was drafted by Neighborhood Services staffers after it was revealed that state Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) had issued similar proposals. Leno, who attended the Colt Studio's anniversary took the opportunity to thank them for producing images that helped him develop as a gay man. It takes a village to raise a man-child, indeed.

Here is what Leno had to say:

"The owners of the studio are taxpaying, law-abiding San Francisco employers who promote safe sex."

And since they pay taxes so generously, they will get tax-funded publicity for all the goodness their films bring to the city. The decision was predictably rejected by Bill O'Reilly.

"There is not another city in the country that has ever had a ‘gay porn day,' And you wonder why San Francisco values is mocked and your city is mocked and it’s looked upon as a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah."

Leno the Lawman didn't think too hard to fight back.

“With a war out of control and the planet’s temperature rising, I would have hoped Bill O’Reilly had more pressing issues to discuss. Clearly, with his viewership currently plummeting, he thinks denigrating gay male entertainment will be his lifeline.

Funny. We're in "a war out of control" and he can't find much better to do than make a golden calf out of homosexual pornography.

Interesting he would mention climate change as well. More and more scientists are coming forward to predict another cooling period. In addition, Mars among other planets have been going through a warming period as well. I guess we're responsible for the entire solar system's demise, right, Mr. Gore?

Evidently, it doesn't take much outside of being a sexually unorthodox porn addict to run the show in San Francisco. Ever wonder what they'll come up with next?

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