Friday, April 30, 2010

Does Barack Obama Understand Capitalism?

It's a serious question.

Is President Barack Obama using big government to destroy the capitalist system from within, or because he believes it works?

Those of the conspiratorial mindset appear to believe the former is true. Those who view Obama as an ideologue appear to believe the latter.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, known as the "stimulus package," was arguably modeled after Franklin Delano Roosevelt's public works programs, in particular, the National Industrial Recovery Act that he signed into law. Yet, it was based on hiring unskilled minority workers with the intention of simply getting the projects done as quickly as possible.

It also had a massive appeal for power-hungry bureaucrats - all the pork money can buy.

Most of the stimulus projects were assigned to blue states as a way of generating handsome paybacks for Obama's biggest supporters. Yet, the red states have shown more signs of economic recovery in spite of this massive "effort."

Then, we have the health care bill.

While the die-hard capitalist believes those who are denied coverage based on pre-existing conditions may seek refuge from family, churches, and private charities, Obama has rejected those solutions in favor of another massive government overhaul.

This is in spite of the fact that our federal Medicaid laws prohibited hospitals from denying such an individual for emergency treatment, prior to the push for ObamaCare.

Yet, the newly-created Recovery Independent Advisory Panel has driven Medicare into social darwinism like never before. This time, it's in the name of cutting costs.

When Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) said that the GOP plan meant "die quickly," the shock value took liberal hypocrisy to new heights.

The generations of Americans that paid the most in taxes will soon be denied the very same obligations that their lives have depended on. While health care is now being touted as "a right, not a privilege," those who are no longer able-bodied are being robbed out of the care they invested into and planned their lives around by the power-grabbers and their coughers.

While unspoken words urge the elderly to get off their hospital beds and back into the workforce, those who occupy that workforce were promised lower premiums on their health insurance. Yet, according to a recent report from the Department of Health and Human Services, this very same administration now concedes that they hoodwinked the American people.

Promises were made, made, made, and the American people were betrayed, betrayed, betrayed.

And a dear price will be paid, paid, paid.

But does Barack Obama understand capitalism?