Republicans and Democrats have a lot more in common than you might think. The commonalities are not limited to lobbyists, special interests, and kissing babies at a photo op. They rely on the ignorant masses to decide who is the lesser of two evils. The "lesser evil" is often the candidate most successful at keeping third-party contenders off the ballot.
Meet Chuck Baldwin, the presidential candidate representing the Constitution Party. He is an accomplished pastor, an alternative media personality, and a former Republican. Baldwin worked in the Florida Moral Majority to help elect Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984. After helping the GOP register nearly 50,000 conservative Christian voters, he left the party.
In 2004, Baldwin ran as Michael Peroutka's running mate for the Constitution Party in the presidential election.
This year, Chuck Baldwin won the endorsements of The Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi and Congressman Ron Paul.
As a young political party, the Constitution Party has been relatively successful - it's the third largest in registered voters. Such success is due to conservatives who remain dissatisfied with unprincipled Republicans.
What about John McCain?
What about him.
He is still the same John McCain who wants to grant amnesty to illegals, sign a Kyoto treaty, and occupy Iraq for an unpredictible amount of time. A globalist with a mind of his own, if you ask me.
What about Sarah Palin?
Get to know her a little better.
She not only advocated a windfall profits tax as Governor of Alaska, but raised taxes on middle-class families and supported the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere," until it costed her political points.
Neoconservatives who granted her immediate status as a political messiah may want to think twice about her record. It seems as though neoconservatives haven't bothered to compare her to Barack Obama, who also became an instant political celebrity as soon as he gained national attention.
I'm not doubting her as a moderate conservative. I am simply pointing out that she is not the arch-conservative that alternative media outlets tried to portray her as.
Chuck Baldwin's platform by far outwits John McCain's experience as a globalist in the Senate, and here's why.
On economics, a Chuck Baldwin presidency would repeal the 16th Amendment to stop abusive taxation, ditch the Federal Reserve to stop rapid inflation, and ignite a Made in America Movement.
Instead of the neoconservative "Fair Tax" proposal that would end the income tax and replace it with a national sales tax, Baldwin would not only end the IRS and the income tax, but reinstitute a tariff-based economy. Why is that a good idea? First of all, the Fair Tax plan risks having not only a new national sales tax that would reduce consumer activity, but the income tax could be reinstated the same way it was introduced: class warfare. A tariff-based economy allows Americans to keep their pay checks and to slow down global competition in the markets. Once this country let go of that policy, which was recommended by the Founding Fathers, Brand America was traded in for cheap labor in far-off countries.
Instead of a downright frightening, McCain-approved bailout bill for Wall Street, Chuck Baldwin would take the advice of Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Webster, and George Washington by fighting the fiat system and limiting the power of international bankers in government.
His own input on the issue:
If George W. Bush, John McCain, or Barack Obama had any honesty and integrity, they would approach the current banking malady in much the same way that President Andrew Jackson did. In discussing the Bank Renewal bill with a delegation of bankers in 1832, Jackson said, "Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out."On the issue of border security, Chuck Baldwin refuses to kneel to any bill that would legitimize the spread of illegal immigration. As a matter of fact, Baldwin is the only presidential candidate who is serious about bringing an end to our illegal immigration crisis. Instead of signing an amnesty bill to grant citizenship for those who refused to wait in line as John McCain and Barack Obama would, Baldwin would give the benefit of the doubt to the border patrol agents, not the lawbreakers.
He pledges, "The first day Chuck Baldwin is in office as President is the last day Ramos and Compean spend in jail!"
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