Monday, April 23, 2007

I Am Cincinnati... and Virginia Tech, Too!

There’s a lot to say about what our college campuses have become. One has to wonder how much shame is required to obtain a career as a professor. We can always use Nikki Giovanni from Virginia Tech as an example, who calls herself a poet.

During Ken Blackwell’s gubernatorial campaign in Ohio, she read an original poem entitled “I am Cincinnati.”

A few lines in the poem worth quoting: "I am not a son of a bitch like Kenny Blackwell," and "[Cincinnati is] not a political whore.''

I imagine her students receive more education at a frat party than in her classroom.

In Giovanni’s speech following the Virginia Tech shooting: “We Are Virginia Tech:

“We do not understand this tragedy. We know we did not deserve it but neither does a child in Africa dying of AIDS, but neither do the invisible children walking the night to avoid being captured by a rogue army. Neither does the baby elephant watching his community be devastated for ivory; neither does the Appalachian infant killed in the middle of the night in his crib in the home his father built with his own hands being run over by a boulder because the land was destabilized. No one deserves a tragedy.
I’m not sure how you can be Cincinnati and Virginia Tech at the same time. But anyways, this speech received harsh criticism, considering what the grieving families had gone through. I may be out of it, but how can this professor compare an elephant’s community “devastated for ivory” to the worst shooting massacre in American history?

In any event, it gets much worse. Here’s an excerpt of Nikki Giovanni’s poetry:

"The True Import Of Present Dialogue, Black vs. Negro"
by Nikki Giovanni

Can you kill
Can you kill
Can a nigger kill
Can a nigger
kill a honkie
Can a nigger kill the Man
Can you kill nigger
nigger can you
Do you know how to draw blood
Can you poison
Can you stab-a-Jew
Can you kill huh? nigger
Can you kill
Can you
run a protestant down with your
'68 El Dorado
(that's all they're good
for anyway)
Can you kill
Can you piss on a blond head
Can you cut it
Can you kill…

This "professor" belongs in a psych ward, not on a college campus.

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